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Why Mid Life Women should stay hydrated


Is avoiding wrinkles important to you? Then the best thing that you can do for yourself is stay hydrated by drinking water.


Yes I know that there are fabulous products out there that really do work but ultimately...... your beauty shines from within;


The foods you eat – fresh and filled with energy.

The thoughts you have - are you happy?

The life you lead - are you loving your journey?

The energy you exude - move JOYFULLY Woman!


And Water.


We are over 80% water. Our body prioritises our life sustaining organs first; our Brain, Heart, and Kidneys. Wrinkles are it’s LEAST important worry.


Water  gives us energy, flushes out toxins, promotes weight loss (if that is your goal), keeps your cells hydrated, and is one of the easiest, cheapest, and best ways to stay healthy without having to give anything up. Did you know that being dehydrated will elevate your blood pressure? (due to blood viscosity)


Dehydration is something that is really important to address in Mid-Life because a lot of our symptoms (Hot flushes, reduction in mobility - fascia/tendon/ligament, a slowing down in digestion) can be improved  by simply having a glass of water.


This is the easiest thing that we can do every day to help support our health. It is inexpensive, freely available, doesn’t need to come out of a plastic bottle, or have anything added to it. But funnily enough, it’s the one thing that I hear a lot…..


“I don’t like drinking water”


So how can we increase our intake of water to the recommended daily amount (8-10 glasses) without adding sugar (Fizzy drinks/cordials etc)


One of my suggestions  is to pop a fruit flavoured teabag into a glass and add water from your soda stream. This adds a lovely fruity flavour without any sugars. Alternatively, you can slice up a cucumber and a lemon and add them to a jug of still water. This adds vitamins, minerals and flavour to your drink.   Try both out and let me know what you think.


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